Dragi ljudi,informacije od lekara dobijamo iz sata u sat,susrecemo se sa uzasnim dijagnozama svaki dan;sve je uzrocno posledicno i prognoze i dalje nisu dobre.Trenutno jedino sto mozemo je da nekako oporavimo Fikija sto vise sa hranom,koju on odbija da unosi jer ima bolove u stomaku,jer jedino u takvom,malo ojacanom stanju moze podneti hemoterapiju i eventualno jos jednu operaciju.Bez toga,ne bi imao nikakve izglede....sada se hvatamo za taj 1%,nazalost.Ipak,cudo je da je i ovo sve pregurao,pa neka tako,uz Bozju pomoc,CUDO I OSTANE.Mama i tata
dear people, we get information from doctors by the hour, they face terrible diagnoses every day, all the causal and the outlook remains dobre.trenutno not the only thing we can do is to somehow recover fikija as much with the food, which he refused to enter because a lot of pain in my stomach, because only in such a little strengthened condition may submit chemotherapy and possibly another operaciju.bez addition,would have no chance .... now we are attached to the 1% nazalost.ipak a miracle that he made it through all of this, so make it with God's help, a miracle and ostane.mama and Dad
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